Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a clinical diagnosis and may be associated with a collection of urinary symptoms, known as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). LUTS may be divided into void-ing (obstructive) and storage (irritative) symptoms. These symptoms experi- enced by patients can be assessed through the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). The IPSS questionnaire has been validated in Malaysia (Quek et al. 2001). Nevertheless, LUTS are not specific for BPH alone as there are other conditions which may also be associated with LUTS such as urinary tract infections, prostate carcinoma, ureteric stones and chronic prostatitis (Cheah et al. 2003).
The Ministry of Health of Malaysia cited that BPH affects about 50% of men aged 60 years and above (Ministry of Health Malaysia 2002). In Kuala Lumpur, 18.9% and 39.6% of the men were found to be severely and moderately symptomatic, respectively. The prevalence of moderate to severe LUTS in Malays, Chinese and Indians were 70%, 59% and 50% re- spectively (Teh 2001). In Penang, 80% of men reported some degree of LUTS, but the prevalence of moderate to severe LUTS was only 6.2% (Mariappan & Wooi 2006).
From this study, we aim to determine the prevalence of LUTS among male outpatients in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC), be- sides assessing their level of awareness towards BPH.
This cross-sectional study was con- ducted in the surgical and medical clinics of UKMMC, from 20th October, 2009 until 20th May, 2010. Male outpatients were selected through convenient sampling. Inclusion criteria include patients of age ≥ 40 years in stable clinical condition with subject literacy (able to understand and respond to questions).
The questionnaire used in this study consists of demographic data, questions related to knowledge, attitude and prac- tice on BPH and the International Pros- tate Symptom Score (IPSS). The aware- ness (knowledge, attitude and practice) of the outpatients were assessed in this study via questionnaire (Table 1). They were classified into low (n=146) and high (n=74) education levels, with low educa- tion defined as SPM qualification and below while high education was defined as STPM qualification and above.
A Medtronic© Uroflow Recorder was used to evaluate the function of the uri- nary tract and determine the severity of BPH. BladderScan® BVI 3000 was used to determine the post-void urine volume in the bladder. Mid-stream urine samples were collected for analysis on haematuria, proteinuria and nitrite for urinary tract infections using Combur10 Test® dipsticks.
For the uroflowmetry results to be valid, the voided urine volume must be 150 mL or greater (Ezz el Din et al. 1996). Based on this criterion, 118 respondents were excluded.
The statistical analyses of the study were done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. The association between IPSS score and age group as well as age group and uroflowmetry were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The level of significance was set at 0.05. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (FF-303-2009).
Demographic Profile
A total of 220 male outpatients were sur- veyed in the Medical and Surgical Clinics of UKMMC, all of whom were 40 years old and above with a mean age of 61±10 years. A total of 51.8% of the respon- dents were Chinese; followed by 36.8% Malays, 9.1% Indians and 2.3% other races. The baseline characteristics are given in Table 2.
Prevalence of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)
Among men aged 40 and above, the prevalence of significant LUTS (including moderately symptomatic and severely symptomatic) is 42.7%. According to ethnicity, 45.4% of Malays, 43.0% of Chi- nese and 40.0% of Indians were found to have significant LUTS (Table 3). The severity of LUTS was analyzed in relation to their age group. The mean IPSS score increased with age, from 5.32±5.78 in the 40 to 49 years age group to 10.89±8.98 in the more than 70 years age group. This increase in mean IPSS score with age was found to be significant by ANOVA, in which p=0.005 at 95% confidence level (Table 4).
The prevalence of individual symptoms of IPSS (scores 1–5) are determined from the study sample, whereby the three most commonly found LUTS are nocturia (78.2%), re-voiding within two hours (58.2%) and incomplete emptying of bladder (44.6%) (Figure 1).
The quality of life reported by the re- spondents is classified according to the severity of symptoms based on IPSS. The level of satisfaction with their urinary condition is generally higher among the mildly symptomatic compared to the se- verely symptomatic respondents (Table 5). Uroflowmetry Results The mean voided urine volume for all the subjects (n=102) are 278±122 mL with a mean Qmax of 19.8±11.5 mL/s and mean Qave of 10.8±5.2 mL/s. The mean residual urine volume as determined by bladder scan was 41±14 mL.
The mean values for both Qmax and Qave decreased with every 10 years in- crease in age, and these were found to be statistically significant associations (p=0.039 and 0.001 respectively). On the other hand, the postvoid residual urine volume rises significantly with age, with p=0.037 (Table 6).
Urinalysis Results
The prevalence of urine abnormalities such as glycosuria, proteinuria and haematuria were determined by urine dipstick analysis. The most common uri- nary findings among male outpatients of UKMMC were glycosuria (23.6%), fol- lowed by proteinuria (11.4%). The prevalence of haematuria was found to be only 1.8% (Figure 2). Knowledge, Attitude & Practice (KAP) In Relation To BPH More than half (59.5%) of the respondents have not heard of benign prostatic hyper- plasia before. Most of the respondents were able to answer only five questions correctly (34.1%).
From Figure 3, the majority of the re- spondents were able to answer five questions correctly; however, the per- centage of respondents with high educa- tion level (39.19%) was much higher than those with lower education level (31.51%). Conversely, the percentage of respondents who were unable to answer at least three questions correctly were found to be greater in the lower education group compared to the higher education group.
Over 78.2% of the respondents would seek medical attention if they had LUTS. The reasons commonly given by those who do not want to seek treatment were that LUTS was a part of the normal age- ing process and that LUTS did not affect their quality of life. In addition, there were 15.9% of respondents who would also seek traditional treatment for LUTS.
Our study population consists of three major ethnic groups in our country, i.e. Malays, Chinese and Indians, as well as other minority races. The Chinese (51.8%) made up the highest proportion of our study population, followed by Malays (36.8%) and Indians (9.1%). This could be due to the relatively higher proportion of Chinese population in the study area. The prevalence of symptomatic LUTS based on a symptom ind≥ ex 8 (including moderately symptomatic and severely symptomatic) in our study was 42.7% among men of all races. In comparison with the study conducted in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Ministry of Health Malaysia 2002), our results showed a lower prevalence among all the races, with Malays at 45.4%, Chinese 43.0%, and Indians 40.0%. This could be explained by the younger age range in our study population, with a minimum age which was ten years lower than their study.
The most important risk factor for BPH is age, being significantly associated with a higher IPSS score (more severe LUTS), lower maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) and higher post-void residual urine volume. Similar findings have been reported by Homma et al. (1997). This study involving Asian men showed a pro- gressing trend of 18%, 29%, 40%, and 56% BPH prevalence in the age groups of 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and 70 to 79 years, respectively. Our results showed a significant increasing trend for the mean IPSS score with every 10 year increase in age (p=0.005), which is also consistent with another study in Taiwan (sample size=100; p=0.02) (Liu et al. 2004). However, a study in Singapore showed contrasting results with a decreasing trend of median IPSS score with age. This is probably due to the difficulty in quantifying symptoms and cultural differences among the older patients in Singapore (Loh et al. 2009). Our respondents’ urodynamics were also assessed by uroflowmetry. The mean maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) was 19.8±11.5 mL/s. Both Qmax and Qave have been shown to progressively decline with advancing age, which was consistent with the increase in severity of LUTS with age. The residual urine volume showed an increasing trend in relation to age as this indicated an increase in urinary re- tention as a result of bladder outlet obstruction.
Aside from BPH, there are many urological as well as non-urological dis- eases that present with LUTS including prostate cancer, prostatitis, bladder can- cer, bladder stones, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, cystitis, primary bladder neck hypertrophy, urethritis and diabetes mellitus. From our study, the two most commonly reported LUTS are nocturia and frequency. However, they are non-specific and can also be caused by other diseases as well, for example urinary tract infections and diabetes mel- litus. The presence of glycosuria in our study (23.6%) is suggestive of diabetes mellitus while haematuria (1.8%) and nitrites (6.8%) are indicative of urinary tract infection. Although these symptoms are non-specific, the detection and man- agement of these secondary causes of LUTS provide us with another approach towards reducing the high prevalence of LUTS among the population.
We also found that those whose quality of life was adversely affected by LUTS (67.5%), mostly presented with significant urinary symptoms, as compared to those (87.4%) who presented with mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. This is consistent with a study done by Teh (2001), which found that there is a good correlation between the severity of LUTS with the quality of life (r=0.69, p<0.001). Calais Da Silva et al. (1997) found that the areas of life most affected by BPH were daily activities due to frequency and sleep interrupted by nocturia.
A total of 34.1% of respondents were able to answer five out of six questions correctly. Since our study was conducted in the surgical and medical clinics of UKMMC, our respondents have either been made aware of BPH by their doc- tors or have read about it from the bro- chures or posters in the clinic. Hence, we recommend that a study should be car- ried out in the general population so that the data generated can better reflect the level of awareness in our community.
Comparing the level of knowledge about BPH between the higher education group and lower education group, as expected, the higher education group had a higher level of knowledge of the disease, whereas the lower education group had a lower level of knowledge. However, among those who answered all six ques- tions correctly, the results showed a con- trasting higher proportion of lower educa- tion group. This might be explained by the fact that these subjects are afflicted with BPH and hence, understood the disease after being educated by their doctors.
The last part of the assessment was about the health-seeking behaviour among those who had LUTS. We found that most (78.2%) patients with LUTS would seek medical attention and treat- ment. In addition, traditional medication was still regarded as an alternative treatment for LUTS by a small group of people (15.9%), especially among the elderly, as they still place enormous faith in traditional medicine as part and parcel of their culture and belief. In order to promote appropriate health-seeking be- haviour, awareness campaigns should be carried out in order to better educate the public on BPH, including its prevalence, signs and symptoms, treatment options, as well as its complications if left untreated.
There is a high prevalence of LUTS among male outpatient attendees in Uni- versiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. The level of awareness is satis- factory. However, a more concerted effort is needed to screen patients in the hos- pital for this problem and provide the op- timal care for them, targeting mainly men above the age of forty. However, lower urinary tract symptoms are not synony- mous with BPH and men only. Further studies are also needed to look into lower urinary tract symptoms among women.
We would like to thank the Faculty of Medicine, UKMMC for allowing us to conduct this research. In addition, the cooperation and help given by Dr. S. Selvalingam, nurses of UKMMC, volunteers and friends are highly appreciated. We would also like to extend our gratitude to those who are directly or indirectly involved in this research.