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Insulin Refill Adherence among Diabetes Patients
COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers
Figure 1: Distribution of probable sources of infection among all HCWs (n=180)
Validation of the English Version CCMQ in Malaysia
Figure 1: Study flow for the cultural adaptation and validation of the English version Constitution of Chinese Medicine questionnaire (CCMQ)
Prevalence of Anxiety
Mapping Breast Cancer Research in Malaysia
Figure 1: The flow of the analysis in this study.
Elderly Hospitalisation in Malaysia
Figure 1: The total number of reported diagnosis
Perception on Snake-related Injuries
Usage of Pharmacy Value-Added Services
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
Figure 1: Preliminary survey showing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and common reasons of vaccine hesitancy among HCWs in a single healthcare centre in northwest Malaysia.
Payment Methods and Satisfaction in Malaysia
Figure 1: Mean percentage of satisfaction among T2DM patients for all domains at UKM teaching hospital