Cancer of the cervix is an important public health problem worldwide and is the second most common cancer among women (Woodman et al. 2007). In Malaysia, it is the second most common cancer among women in all major ethnic groups (Ministry of Health Malaysia 2003). Human papilloma virus (HPV) has been identified as the most important viral group associated with benign and ma- lignant neoplasia in humans; HPV DNA is estimated to be present in over 99.7% of these cancers (Walboomers et al. 1999; Lockwood & Mcintyre 2009). Using real time PCR method, Panu et al. (2002) and Bourgo et al. (2008) showed the presence of integrated HPV type 16 in cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Inte- gration of viral genome into the nucleus has been proposed as the mechanism for activation, proliferation and progression from non-invasive lesions to cervical cancers (Mitsuo et al. 1999; Fan & Chen 2004; Lockwood & Mcintyre 2009). The Hybrid Capture (HC) assay, the current diagnostic test for the screening of cervical cancer, characterizes HPV infections as low or medium/high risk but fails to identify HPV infections by type (Sonnex 1998; Monica et al. 2002 & Seaman et al. 2010). Real time PCR is an efficient technique that objectively detects and quantifies DNA target sequence in a period of two or three hours, whereas classical PCR needs at least four hours to detect the same sequence without quantifying it (Bettini et al. 2008).
Recently, two vaccines were made available for protection of infection by some HPV types, Gardasil, marketed by Merck and Cervarix, marketed by GlaxoSmithKline (Moscicki 2008). Both protect against initial infection with HPV types 16 and 18, which cause most of the HPV associated cancers. Gardasil also protects against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause 90% of genital warts (Asif et al. 2006; Kahn 2009; WHO 2009 & Schil- ler et al. 2010). The vaccines provide little benefit to women who have already been infected with HPV types 16 and 18, which include most sexually active females. The World Health Organization (WHO 2009) has clear guidelines on HPV vaccination which outlines appropriate, cost-effective strategies for using HPV vaccines in public sector programs.
Cervical cancer is caused by a virus; it can be prevented in two ways: (i) by preventing HPV infection by using a poten- tial vaccine and (ii) by screening for the presence of cervical HPV infection and managing abnormal cytologies or pre-cancerous lesions before cancer develop. In Malaysia however, the lack of an adequate screening programme and awareness are the major factors contrib- uting to the high incidence of cervical cancer. The main purpose of this study was to establish a simple and rapid technique to detect high risk HPV subtypes using SyBrGreen Real-Time PCR. This technique is advantageous since it eliminates the need for gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The method of SyBr-Green Real-Time PCR can be used as a screening approach to controlling cervical cancer.
Genomic DNA from 57 HPV positive samples for HPV 16 and HPV 18 identified from our Type Specific-PCR (TS- PCR) was used for this study. The sam- ples include 37 CIN I, 12 CIN II, 15 CIN III and 3 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). CaSki and HeLa cell lines were used as positive controls for HPV 16 and HPV 18, respectively. For negative control, blood DNA from normal women was chosen. DNA extraction was done using the QIAamp Tissue kit from QIAGEN (Germany).
Cell culture
The vial containing cell-lines was removed from the liquid nitrogen tank and was immediately thawed into a water bath at 37ºC. The content of the vial was transferred into a centrifuge tube and 10 ml of growth medium were added. The tube was centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant was removed and cells were resuspended in 5 ml of growth medium, later transferred to a culture flask and incubated in a 37ºC CO2 incubator. The medium was replaced the following day. Subculture was carried out by detaching cells using tripsin. One ml of trypsinethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution (Flowlab) was added to the flask. The flasks were incubated in a CO2 incubator for 5 minutes. The flask was then observed under the inverted microscope to check for the detachment of cells and was tapped gently to optimize cell detachment.
Real-Time PCR with SyBr Green
Genomic DNA from 57 positive samples for HPV 16 and HPV 18 were used to prepare a triplicate reaction for each sample using Real-Time PCR. Primers from TS-PCR (Walboomers et al. 1999) were used as a primer pair for HPV type 16 and 18 in the SyBr Green Real-Time PCR. Amplification reactions were per- formed with a volume of 12.5µl of 2X SyBrGreen PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems), a total of 300nM of reverse and forward primers and 20ng of sample DNA in a 25µl final volume. The protocol was set up at 95oC for 10 minutes to activate the Taq gold, 40 cycles at 95oC for 15 sec and 60oC for 15 sec, consecu- tively. Each reaction was accompanied by a No Template Control (NTC) in which the template DNA was replaced by water. Amplification was performed in a 248- well PCR plate covered with optical caps in the ABI 7700HT-SDS real-time instrument (Applied Biosystem).
Optimization of SyBr Green Reaction
From our results using SyBr Green Real Time PCR, NTC was used as a negative control; CaSki and HeLa DNA were used as a positive control for HPV 16 and HPV 18 respectively. Dissociation curve was generated to show the absence of non- specific amplification. The dissociation curve showed only a single peak at higher temperature and two peaks if primer-dimer occurred. According to Lamarcq et al. (2002), Cycle threshold (Ct) value was considered significant when it was at least four cycles lower than Ct value of the corresponding NTC. Another study by Szuhai et al. (2001), reported that a Ct value is significant when it was lower than 40 cycle’s number. Figure (1a) shows the amplification plot of HPV 16 with negative control NTC, Ct value at 20 cycles. Primer-dimer of NTC was observed with a Ct value at 25 cycles. The Ct value of HPV 16 was significant because the differences between HPV 16 and NTC were five cycles. Figure (1b) shows dissociation curve of HPV 16. Two peaks were observed at 80.7ºC for melt-ing temperature Tm of specific HPV 16 and at 74ºC for a NTC. Figure (2a) shows the amplification plot of HPV 18 with NTC and Ct value for HPV 18 was 21 cycles. Primer-dimer of NTC was ob-served with a Ct value at 28 cycles. The Ct value of HPV 18 was significant because the differences between HPV 18 and NTC were seven cycles. Figure (2b) shows dissociation curve of HPV 18. Two peaks were observed at 79.3ºC for melting temperature Tm of specific HPV 18 and at 70ºC for a NTC.
Identification of multiple infections of HPV types
Results from our previous TS-PCR, showed six samples were positive for multiple infections by HPV 16 and HPV 18. Figure 3 showed a dissociation curve of HPV 16 and HPV 18. Four peaks were displayed; one peak for HPV 16, one peak for HPV 18 and two peaks for NTC. Melting temperature Tm for HPV 16 was 80.7°C and for NTC was 74°C, whereas for HPV 18, melting temperature Tm was 79.3°C and for NTC was 70°C. SyBr Green Real Time PCR method showed the Tm for HPV 16 and HPV 18 were different although the PCR products using TS-PCR for HPV 16 and HPV 18 produced a single band as a 100 bp. The dissociation curves using SyBr Green Real Time PCR method showed that the Tm for HPV 16 was 80.6°C whereas Tm for HPV 18 was 79.4°C. Studies by Szu-hai et al. (2001) and Kleinle et al. (2002) suggested the Tm of an amplification product is based on amplicon size and GC content; fragments of different length and G+C content can be distinguished by melting curve analysis. Our study found that the Tm of HPV 16 was higher than Tm of HPV 18.
Identification of multiple infections of HPV types
Results from our previous TS-PCR, showed six samples were positive for multiple infections by HPV 16 and HPV 18. Figure 3 showed a dissociation curve of HPV 16 and HPV 18. Four peaks were displayed; one peak for HPV 16, one peak for HPV 18 and two peaks for NTC. Melting temperature Tm for HPV 16 was 80.7°C and for NTC was 74°C, whereas for HPV 18, melting temperature Tm was 79.3°C and for NTC was 70°C. SyBr Green Real Time PCR method showed the Tm for HPV 16 and HPV 18 were different although the PCR products using TS-PCR for HPV 16 and HPV 18 produced a single band as a 100 bp. The dissociation curves using SyBr Green Real Time PCR method showed that the Tm for HPV 16 was 80.6°C whereas Tm for HPV 18 was 79.4°C. Studies by Szu-hai et al. (2001) and Kleinle et al. (2002) suggested the Tm of an amplification product is based on amplicon size and GC content; fragments of different length and G+C content can be distinguished by melting curve analysis. Our study found that the Tm of HPV 16 was higher than Tm of HPV 18.
Table 1 showed the Ct value of HPV 16 and HPV 18 were below 40 cycles and also differs from NTC by six cycles so that the Ct values were significant based on studies by Szuhai et al. (2001) and Lamarcq et al. (2002). This table also showed the differences of Tm between specific product of HPV 16 and NTC were 6.7°C whereas the differences of Tm between specific product of HPV 18 and NTC were 9.3°C. Study by Kleinle et al. (2002), suggested the Tmof the gene specific product differs from primer-dimers by at least 10°C, the peak of the gene-specific product did not overlap with the primer-dimer peak and thus the accuracy of the quantification was validated.
Amplification plot of HPV 16 and HPV 18
In this study, minimum primers for HPV 16 and 18 were 300:300nM for forward and reverse primers and DNA concentration at 100 ηg. All graphs from Figure 1-3 showed C t value for HPV 16 was 20±1 cycles and dissociation curve of HPV 16 with melting curve Tm was 80.7±0.2ºC whereas melting curve Tm for NTC was 73.5±0.2ºC. Amplification plot of HPV 18 showed presence of two curves with one specific for HPV 18 and another one for NTC. Ct value for HPV 18 was 21±1cycles and Ct value for NTC was 28±1 cycles. Table 1 showed the Ct value of HPV 16 and 18 were significant because, the difference between specific product and NTC was five and seven cycles (Kleinle 2002). For melting temperature, Tm shows the differences of Tm between HPV 16 and NTC were below 10°C such as 7.2°C whereas for HPV 18 the differences between specific HPV 18 and NTC were 9.4°C. Kleinle et al. (2002), suggested the Tm of the gene specific product differs from primer-dimers or NTC by at least 10°C, the peak of the gene-specific product did not overlap with the primer-dimer peak and thus the accuracy of the quantification was validated. However, this study found the differences of Tm for HPV 16 and HPV 18 were below 10°C, this phenomena happened because the amplicon size of HPV 16 and 18 were 100bp and the size of NTC range from 50-60bp. The close-up of amplicon size between specific product and NTC will affect the Tm. Although the amplicon size between spe-cific products and NTC was very close, the graph shows gene-specific product of HPV 16 and HPV 18 did not overlap with the NTC peak so the accuracy of the qualification was validated.
Identification of multiple infections of HPV types
From our previous sequencing results of PCR products of E7 gene for HPV 16 (RID 1055387141-08795-2060) and HPV 18 (RID 1056435350-019738-16228) we observed that, GC content for HPV 16 was higher than the GC content of HPV 18, and the PCR product of HPV 16 had high Tm compared to Tm of HPV 18. The differences in melting temperature can be used as a method to identify and diffe-rentiate multiple infections between HPV16 and HPV 18. Kleinle et al. (2002) and Lamarcq et al. (2002) reported that multiple specific products can be sepa-rated from each other due to different Tm in most cases. This method is advantageous since it eliminates the need for gel electrophoresis. This finding shows, SyBr Green can be used to differentiate and identify HPV types. Table 1 shows a summary of the Ct values and Tm for HPV 16 and HPV 18. The Ct value of HPV 16 and HPV 18 were below 40 cycles and also differ from NTC by six cycles, indicating that the Ct values were significant. The findings were supported by studies by Szuhai et al. (2001) and Lamarcq et al. (2002). Table 1 also showed the differences of Tmbetween HPV 16 and HPV 18 with the NTCs being 6.7°C and 9.3°C respectively. The peak of the gene-specific product did not overlap with the primer-dimer peak and thus the accuracy of the quantification was validated. This SyBr Green Real- Time PCR method offers the possibility of substantially increasing the throughput of sample analysis, of analyzing different samples for the presence of any of these gene mutations and/or determining the individual gene mutation pattern. In terms of the rapidity, flexibility and the subsequent economic advantages, this approach is suitable for use in clinical and routine laboratory applications (Cubie et al. 2001; Szuhai et al. 2001; Kleinle et al. 2002; Villa et al. 2006).
Using SyBr Green Real-Time PCR technique, minimum forward and reverse primers for each HPV type 16 and 18 were required. DNA concentration for each samples were fixed at 100ng. SyBr Green Real-Time PCR method has the advantage of it being able to be used directly to detect and identify the HPV types based on amplification plot and melting temperature graphs. This SyBr Green Real-Time PCR method has the potential to be used as a method for de-tection and identification of HPV types in CINs and cervical cancer patients in Malaysia. In addition it has the advantage of detecting multiple infections of HPVs which adds to its economic value.
The study was supported by a postgraduate grant from Institute Bioscience (IRPA-5495304), Universiti Putra Malaysia. The authors wish to thank the Director General of Health, Malaysia for permission to publish this scientific paper. We also like to thank the Deputy Director General (Research & Technical Support, MOH) and the Director of IMR for their support.