The ageing process is the accumulation of oxidative damage to cells and tissues, which is associated with a progressive increase in the chance of morbidity and mortality (Beckman & Ames 1998). Human ageing can be studied in vitro, specifically with normal human diploid fibroblasts (HDFs) which undergo a limited number of cell divisions in culture and progressively reach a state of irreversible growth arrest, a process termed as replicative senescence (Trougakos et al. 2006). Senescent cells exhibit a gradual loss of replicative potential that results in reduced harvest cell densities and cell saturation densities (Cristofalo et al. 1998) and expressed senescence associated ß-galactosidase enzyme (SA b-gal) which can be detected by SA ß-galactosidase staining (Dimri et al. 1995). Since senescent cells have been shown to accumulate with age in human tissues, it has been proposed that they contribute to organismal ageing (Campisi 2000).
HDFs offer a typical model for stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) as it exhibits a finite potential of differentiation (Campisi et al. 2007). SIPS which shares the common features of replicative senescence can be defined as sustained effects of subcytotoxic stress on proliferative cell types, including irreversible growth arrest of the cell population. Various oxidative agents such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ultraviolet light have been used to induce SIPS and H2O2 appeared to be the most commonly used agent.
Skin is the largest and outermost organ of the human body. Exposure to the environment resulted in the cellular components such as lipid, protein and DNA being targets to oxidative agents and susceptible to oxidative damage. Collagens are the main protein found in the skin of which collagen type I is the most abundant. It is incorporated into collagen type III, which is an important substance in reticular tissues in the dermis while collagen type IV is a crucial structure most commonly found in the basement membranes and is responsible for the intrinsic cohesiveness of functional basement membranes (Varani 2006). Three distinct collagenases are responsible for degrading connective tissues namely MMPI, MMPII and MMPIII (Shingleton et al. 1996). MMPI is also called collagenase 1 or interstitial collagenase which degrades type I collagen while MMPII is known as gelatinase A and readily digests the denatured collagens type I, II, III and gelatins. MMPIIIwhich is also known as stromelysin I, digests extracellular matrix and activates proMMPI (Nagase & Woessner 1999).
Skin tissue is frequently and directly exposed to a pro-oxidative environment, including ultraviolet radiation (UV), drugs and air pollutants. Besides external inducers of oxidative attack, the skin has to cope with endogenous generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other free radicals, which are continuously being produced and caused skin ageing (Suzanne et al. 2003).
Skin ageing is defined as structural changes of the skin as the age increases. It is indicated as the inability to balance the important functions of the skin leading to cell death (Chandrasoma & Taylor 2001). During the ageing process, there is an accumulation of oxidation products such as oxidized proteins, DNA adducts and lipid metabolites. In addition, there is a significant decrease in the defense system of the living cell, including a significant decrease in the antioxidant defense system (Beckman & Ames 1998). Balance between oxidants and antioxidants are needed to minimize molecular, cellular and tissue damage. However, if the balance is upset in favour of the oxidants, oxidative stress could occur and results in oxidative damage. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to cause oxidative modification of DNA, proteins, lipids and small cellular molecules (Kang et al. 2005). To counteract the harmful effects of ROS, the various compartments of the skin are equipped with layer specific antioxidant systems to maintain equilibrium between ROS and antioxidant systems and thus prevent oxidative stress (Thiele & Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage 2007).
The unicellular algae C. vulgaris contains many bioactive substances such as carotenoids, chlorophyll, tocopherols, ubiquinone, and protein. C.vulgaris is capable of inhibiting lipid peroxidation and interacts with enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants system attenuating and resisting the oxidative stress and further lipid peroxidation. A recent study has shown that C. vulgaris has great potential as an antioxidant with the ability to exert anti tumor effects against liver cancer (Mukti et al. 2009).
The ethanolic extract of C. vulgaris expressed significant antioxidant activity against naphthalene-induced oxidative stress in rat model (Vijayavel et al. 2007) while Chlorella dichloromethane extract ameliorates NO production and iNOS expression through the down-regulation of NFκB activity mediated by suppressed oxidative stress in RAW 264-7 macrophage (Park et al. 2005). Another study reported that administration of C. vulgaris inhibited MMPI activity (Cherng & Shih 2006).
Since skin tissue is frequently and directly exposed to a pro-oxidative environment such as ultra violet radiation which results in oxidative damage and further causes cellular ageing, therefore in this study C. vulgaris was evaluated for its antioxidant properties in preventing skin ageing. Primary culture of HDFs which was exposed to H2O2 was treated with C. vulgaris and the expression of COL and MMP genes which are involved in skin ageing was determined.
Cell culture, induction of senescence and treatment with C. vulgaris
Primary culture of HDFs was derived from circumcised foreskin of 9-12 year-old boys, from a local clinic. Written informed consents were obtained from all subjects. The samples were aseptically collected and washed several times with 75% alcohol and phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% antibiotic–antimycotic (PAA, Austria). After removing the epidermis, the pure dermis was cut into small pieces and transferred into a falcon tube containing 0.03 % collagenase type I solution (Worthington Biochemical Corporation, USA). Pure dermis was digested in an incubator shaker at 37ºC for 6-12 hours. Then, cells were rinsed with PBS before being cultured in Dulbecco Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (PAA, Austria) and 1% antibiotic–antimycotic at 37ºC in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator. After 5–6 days, the cultured HDFs were harvested by trypsinization and culture-expand into new T25 culture flasks (Nunc, Denmark) with expansion degree of 1:4. When the subcultures reached 80–90% confluence, serial passaging was done by trypsinization and the number of population doublings (PDs) was monitored.
HDFs were divided into three treatment groups viz; i) untreated control ii) H2O2-induced oxidative stress, SIPS (10 μM of H2O2 exposure for two weeks) iii) cells pretreated with C. vulgaris extract before oxidative stress induction. Treatment with C. vulgaris extract was started at passage 4 at dose 400 mg/ml based on the optimal cell viability that has been established by the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. It was a prolonged treatment whereby at passage 6, HDFs were induced with H2O2 and treated with C. vulgarisextract.
Preparation of C. vulgaris hot water extract
In this study, a green unicellular microalgae C. vulgaris Beijerinck grown in Bold’s Basal Media was used. Dried C. vulgaris cells were suspended in distilled water at a concentration of 10% w/v, boiled at 100°C for 20 minutes and then centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 20 minutes. The supernatant was subsequently lyophilized to obtain C. vulgaris extract which was then added to cell culture growth medium as supplementation.
Morphology analysis and senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining.
HDFs positive for SA-β-gal activity was determined as described by Dimri et al. (1995). SA-β-gal staining was performed with a senescent cell staining kit (Sigma, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A total of 1X105 cells were seeded in six-well plates and incubated with fixation buffer (2% formaldehyde/0.2% glutaraldehyde) for 6-7 mins at room temperature. Cells were then rinsed three times with PBS and incubated with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-galactopyranoside at 1 mg/ml in a buffer containing 40 mM citric acid/phosphate (pH 6.0), 5 mM K3FeCN6, 5 mM K4FeCN6, 150 mM NaCl, and 2 mM MgCl2 for 4 h at 37oC in the absence of CO2. Blue staining was visible after incubation and the percentage of blue cells observed in 100 cells under a light microscope was calculated.
Primer design
The expression level of each targeted gene was normalized to the housekeeping gene which is GAPDH. Primer 3 software was used to design the primers for each targeted gene and GADPH which were further blasted with GenBank database sequences from National Center of Biotechnology Information in order to obtain primers with high specificity. The sequence of the primers is shown in Table 1.
Total RNA extraction
Total RNA from HDFs of each group was isolated using TRI Reagent (Molecular Research Centre, Inc.) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Polyacryl carrier was added to each extraction to precipitate the RNA and centrifuged for 8 mins at 12000g at 4°C. The pellet was washed with 75% ethanol. After another centrifugation, the extracted RNA pellet was left to dry at room temperature for 15 mins and then dissolved in RNase and DNase free distilled water. Total RNA was stored at -80°C immediately after extraction.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR
Gene expression level of COLI, COLIII, COLIV, MMPI, MMPII, andMMPIII was quantitatively analysed with one-step real time RT-PCR technique. The expression level of each targeted gene was then normalized to GAPDH. Real-time PCR reaction was performed with 100 ng of total RNA, 400 nM of each primer and iScript One-Step RT-PCR kit with SYBR Green (Biorad, Canada) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Reactions were run in Bio-Rad iQ5 with reaction profile as follows; cDNA synthesis for 20 mins at 50°C; pre-denaturation for 4 mins at 95°C; PCR amplification for 38 cycles with 10 secs at 95°C, 30 secs at 61°C. This was followed by a melt curve analysis to determine the reaction specificity. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed for confirmation of the PCR products.
Statistical analysis
Each experiment was carried out in duplicates. Data were reported as mean ± SD. Comparison between groups was made by Student t-test (two-tailed). p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Cell morphology and senescence-associated β-galactosidase expression.
Morphological changes were observed with ageing of the HDFs. Young HDFs displayed the normal spindle shape characteristic of fibroblast cells. However, in SIPS, the original fibroblastic shape was lost and HDFs became larger and flattened with accumulation of cytoplasmic granular inclusions. Similar cell morphology was observed for SIPS cells which were treated with C. vulgaris (Figure 1).
A positive blue stain of SA-β-galappeared mainly in H2O2-treated HDFs (SIPS cells) suggesting the presence of senescent cells. Quantitative analysis showed the percentage of cells positive for SA-β-gal staining was increased (p<0.05) in SIPS compared to young untreated HDFs (Figure 2). Similar results were observed for senescent cells at passage 30 and SIPS treated with C. vulgaris (p<0.05).
Specificity of primers and real-time RT-PCR
Six senescence-associated gene primers were designed. Agarose gel electrophoresis showed that each PCR product appeared as single bands (Figure 3). The melting curve analysis showed a single and narrow peak of each PCR product (Figure 4) indicating that the primers designed and the real-time RT-PCR protocols were specific.
Expression of COL and MMP genes
Treatment with H2O2 caused a downregulation of COLI and COLIII genes (Figure 5) and upregulation of MMPI gene (Figure 6) compared to untreated control HDFs (p<0.05). H2O2-treated HDFs (SIPS cells) which were incubated with C. vulgaris extract showed downregulation of COLI gene and upregulation of MMPI gene compared to untreated control HDFs (p<0.05). COLIII gene was upregulated with C. vulgaris treatment compared to H2O2-treated HDFs (p<0.05).
The present study evaluated the effects of C. vulgaris extract in possibly modulating H2O2-induced cellular senescence (SIPS) in skin HDFs. Our results showed that when HDFs reached senescence, there were clear changes in cell morphology, decreased cell proliferation and increased senescence associated β-galactosidase activity. Morphological changes are typical features of senescent phenotype that can occur at both cellular and organism level (Cho et al. 2004). Senescent HDFs showed morphological changes of flattened and enlarged cell shapes. This shift is accompanied by changes in nuclear structure, gene expression, protein processing and metabolism (Campisi 2000).
Bayreuther et al. (1988) stated that progressive morphological changes occur while cells aged in vitro. Senescent cells are bigger and a senescent population has more diverse morphotypes than cells at earlier cumulative population doublings. In fact, a confluent senescent culture has a smaller cellular density than a confluent young culture, though this also occurs because senescent cells are more sensitive to cell-cell contact inhibition. These changes are concomitant with increased activity of β-galactosidase measured at pH 6 (Dimri et al. 1995; Krishna et al. 1999). In the present study, C. vulgaris extract however was not able to show any morphological effects on H2O2-induced cellular senescence.
Extracts of C. vulgaris has previously been reported to show antitumour effect in fibrobsarcomas (Konishi et al. 1985; Hasegawa et al. 2002) and liver cancer (Mukti et al. 2009). The algal extract has also been shown to exhibit possible anticancer properties in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines, HepG2 (Llovet et al. 2003; Md. Saad et al. 2006). There was also a report of using C. vulgaris as a potential therapeutic agent against advanced glycation end product (AGE), in which AGE has long been recognized and implicated in the development of age related disorders such as atherosclerosis and diabetes (Yamagishi et al. 2005). C. vulgaris also had been shown to modulate H2O2-induced DNA damage and telomere shortening of human fibroblasts derived from different aged individuals whereby it exhibited bioprotective effects against free radical attacks (Makpol et al. 2009).
Our data showed that the mRNA expression of COLI and COLIII decreased in H2O2-induced cellular senescence of skin HDFs while the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 1 mRNA (MMP1) was increased when cells aged. Previous study reported among the changes in gene expression in senescent cells, the over expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was striking resulting in lost of proteins maintaining ultra structural shape (Fisher et al. 2008). Relative overproduction of collagenase in ageing cells was proposed as the matrix-degrading phenotype of senescent cells (Mawal-Dewan et al. 2002). In addition of that, it has been reported that senescent HDFs had decreased expression of several extracellular matrix components such as collagen I-1α , collagen III-1α and elastin besides increased expression of collagenase and stromelysin; two enzymes that serve to breakdown the extracellular matrix (Fisher et al. 2008).
In this study, prolonged C. vulgaris treatment was not able to upregulate the mRNA expression of COLI or downregulate the mRNA expression of MMP1 in H2O2-induced senescent HDFs eventhough the expression of COLIII was increased. These findings could be due to the irreversible effects of H2O2 in skin HDFs. According to studies by Chen et al. (2004) H2O2 induced senescent morphological changes and irreversible arrest in cell replicative capacity in HDFs F65 cells. With H2O2 treatment, the cells could not enter the cell cycle again even with mitogen stimulation. The effects of H2O2 were cumulative and irreversible. This might explain the reason why C. vulgaris could not reverse the effects of H2O2 in our study. In addition to that, H2O2 was reported to increase the steady-state mRNA levels of collagenase or MMPI in HDFs. It was an important intermediate in the downstream signaling pathway which leads to the induction of increased steady state MMPI mRNA levels (Olsen et al. 1989).
Compared to other antioxidants, relatively few researches had been done to explore the components of C. vulgaris. Therefore the chemical composition of C. vulgaris and its beneficial potential especially in preventing skin ageing have not been fully recognized. Various bioactive compounds in C. vulgaris may react to inhibit growth in cells that had been damaged by the oxidative stress induced by H2O2. C. vulgaris was reported to induce apoptosis in order to maintain normal cell homeostasis (Md Saad et al. 2006).
In our study, the bioprotective effect of C. vulgaris extractin preventing skin ageing was determined. H2O2 was addedat passage 6 to induce cellular ageing of the skin while at the same time HDFs were treated with C. vulgaris extract.Unfortunately there was no extensive study on the influence of H2O2 towards the effectiveness of prolonged C. vulgaris extract treatment. Therefore for future studies, we would like to suggest that normal replicative senescence model shall be used in order to elucidate the protective effects of C. vulgaris extract against skin ageing.
In skin ageing, COLI and COLIII genes were downregulated while MMPI was upregulated. C. vulgaris extract didmodulate the expression of COL and MMP genes by downregulating COLI and upregulating COLIII and MMPI but it did not exert anti-ageing effect.
This study was funded by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia grant UKM-GUP-SK-07-21-043.