The incidence of retropharyngeal abscess (RPA) is rare with the advent and wide usage of potent antibiotics. On the other hand, the diagnosis could be difficult due to its masked clinical symptoms (Ameh 1999, Philpott et al. 2004). Retropharyngeal abscess is common in children, with peak incidence at the age of three to five years old (Philpott et al. 2004, Kamath et al.2007). Suppuration of retropharyngeal lymph nodes secondary to upper respiratory infection is the main cause in paediatric population (Kamath et al. 2007). In adults, it usually follows foreign body ingestion, trauma and in a rare occasion due to tuberculous infection of the cervical spine (Kamath et al. 2007, Goldenberg et al. 1997). Pak et al. (1999) have reported retropharyngeal abscess as a rare presentation in two patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Retropharyngeal abscess is a potentially serious infection due to its complications which involves upper airway obstruction, internal jugular vein thrombosis, mediastinitis, pericarditis, empyema, and carotid blow out (Pak et al. 1999, Craig & Schunk 2003, Chao et al. 1999, Siou & Yates 2000). Current mortality rate due to these complications accounts to 25% (Furst et al. 2000).
Patients with retropharyngeal abscess commonly present with neck pain, sore throat, fever, neck mass, respiratory distress or stridor and limitation of neck movement (Craig & Schunk 2003). Physical examination may reveal bulging of the pharyngeal wall, pooling of saliva, swollen, and inflammed mucosa (Goldenberg et al. 1997).
Lateral neck radiograph may show loss of lordosis of the cervical spine, widening of the prevertebral soft tissue, and presence of air or foreign body in the soft tissue (Goldenberg et al. 1997, Craig & Schunk 2003, Boucher et al. 1999). Computerized Tomography (CT) scan is the preferred imaging technique since it helps in identifying the extent of the lesion and its relation to the important structures in the neck. It is useful in differentiating between cellulitis and abscess(Boucher et al. 1999).
Treatment of retropharyngeal abscess consists of securing the airway, intravenous antibiotics and intra oral incision and drainage (Goldenberg et al. 1997, Craig & Schunk 2003).
The aim of this study was to review demographic patterns, clinical presentations and management of RPA.
Operative records from 2000 to 2007 were retrospectively reviewed from two ENT referral centers in Malaysia. All cases of RPA were included. Eight patients were identified. Patients’ demographic information, presenting signs and symptoms were reviewed. Other findings which were reviewed are full blood count results especially the total white cell count, the culture and sensitivity results which were obtained intra-operatively, the imaging findings which includes lateral neck x-ray and CT scan as well as the record of treatments which comprised of operative procedures and antibiotics.
In our series, the patients were predominantly female. There were five females and three males. The median age was 47 years old. The age group and sex distribution is illustrated in Table 1.
The presenting symptoms were varied and are summarized in Table 2. Most of the patients presented with dysphagia and or odynophagia, followed by shortness of breath with or without stridor, neck pain or swelling, restricted neck movement and hoarseness. Surprisingly, none of the patients had fever at the time of presentation.
Precipitating or predisposing factors are listed in Table 3. Four patients were diabetics. Being diabetics, these patients are prone to infection. Three patients had a history of fish bone ingestion. Among them was a 10 year old girl who was the youngest in the series.
Total white cell count was raised in all patients with predominantly neutrophilia. All patients underwent imaging studies. One patient underwent more than one imaging modalities i.e lateral neck radiograph and cervical contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) scan which was suggestive for retropharyngeal abscess. Lateral neck radiograph mostly showed widening of prevertebral soft tissue, air in the soft tissue, foreign body and loss of cervical lordosis (Figure 1). CECT of neck confirmed the diagnosis and demonstrated ring enhancement and the extent of the abscess and its relation to important structures in the neck (Figure 2).
The patients were treated hydrated and medication was given to relief pain. Broad spectrum IV antibiotics were commenced based on most likely pathogens and surgeons preference. A combination of IV Rocephine and flagyl was used in one patient while IV cefuroxime and flagyl was administered to another patient. Other patients were treated with IV ampicillin and cavulanate. All patients underwent incision and drainage under general anesthesia.
Only two organisms were isolated from two patients in our study, i.e Klebsiella and Psuedomonas species, respectively. There were no growths in the rest of the patients. A Ziehl-Neelsen stain was performed in all patients, for which none tested positive.
Two approaches were performed i.e transoral approach and cervical approach were treated with cervical drainage in view of the extension of the abscess laterally to the parapharyngeal space. One patient had spontaneous rupture of the abscess into the oral cavity while waiting for the operation.
Two patients who presented with airway obstruction underwent tracheostomy under local anesthesia. Tracheostomy tube were decanulated two days post-operatively. One patient underwent elective tracheostomy under general anesthesia for prolonged intubation secondary to septicaemia. Nasogastric tube was inserted in four patients who underwent intraoral drainage of abscess. The tube was kept for two days on average, post operatively.
All patients recovered well. Only one patient had septicaemia secondary to RPA and passed away on the thirteenth day of admission despite vigorous treatment.
RPA is common in children (Goldenberg et al. 1997). This is due to the fact that retropharyngeal nodes disappear by the age of five years. Most infections begin in the nose or nasopharynx, adenoids, and paranasal sinuses which drain to these nodes which later suppurate. There is a frequent history of an upper respiratory tract infection in children. In adults, retropharyngeal abscess are caused by instrumentation, foreign body and trauma, and interestingly it is also a manifestation of tuberculosis of cervical spine (Kamath et al. 2007).
In our series, seven out of eight patients were adults and the only child was aged 10 years. RPA in this child was secondary to fish bone ingestion. Perforation of the posterior pharyngeal wall by the fish bone would have caused RPA in this patient. Four of them had diabetes and they were generally prone to infection.
Acute RPA is characterized by fever, dysphagia, difficulty in breathing, stridor and torticollis in which the neck becomes stiff and the head is kept extended. Patients with chronic RPA also complain of dysphagia and discomfort in the throat. However, these symptoms are less marked. In our series, most of the patients presented with odynophagia and or dysphagia (75%), neck pain (37.5%) and difficulty in breathing or stridor (37.5%) as the abscess caused an obstruction to the airway and food passage. Examination commonly revealed bulging of posterior pharyngeal wall (Figure 3).
Sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate simple pharyngitis and RPA especially in the early stages of the disease whereby the signs and symptoms are not very prominent. We had one patient who was initially treated for pharyngitis. The presenting complaints were mild odynophagia and sore throat without fever. She was treated with oral antibiotics for a few days by her panel doctor.
Despite the administration of antibiotics, the symptoms persisted. She presented again with history of worsening sore throat and stridor without fever. She was intubated and blood investigation showed increased in total white cell count. CECT of neck was suggestive of RPA. The abscess was drained via cervical approach and Klebsiella species was isolated from the abscess. Unfortunately, she developed septicaemia. A tracheostomy was performed due to prolonged intubation. However, despite the vigorous treatment, the patient passed away. These masked symptoms in RPA could be attributed to partially treated RPA, improper antibiotics and inadequate duration of treatment.
The use of antibiotics has modified the presentation of deep neck space infections. Most of the patients who presented with deep neck space abscesses had already received some form of antibiotic therapy as an outpatient. Signs and symptoms of infection could be masked.
This could result in missed or delayed diagnosis with development of complications.
Organisms which responsible in parapharyngeal abscess could be mixed aerobic and anaerobic. Among the aerobic organisms include streptococci, predominantly Streptococcus viridans and Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Page et al. 2008). Anaerobes are difficult to isolate and often are overlooked. Their exact role is difficult to ascertain from the medical literature because of the inconsistent methodologies used for their isolation and identification in many studies. Their isolation and identification requires appropriate methods of collection, transportation, and cultivation of specimens (Brook 2008). In our series, only two organisms were isolated from two patients, they were Klebsiella species and Pseudomonas species respectively. There was no growth in the rest of the patients. Anaerobe organisms could possibly be involved and as mentioned, it is difficult to detect such by culture and sensitivity study.
Soft tissue radiograph i.e. lateral neck radiograph in RPA is often diagnostic. It helps to localise the abscess in the neck and retropharynx (Flaup-Precaurariu et al. 2009). All radiographs must be in the true lateral position so that the prevertebral soft tissue could be measured correctly and must be obtained in maximum extension and in the inspiratory phase of respiration to prevent a false positive result. False positive radiographs commonly occur when an oblique view is obtained as well as during flexion of the neck in which the soft tissues bow into the airways. The lateral neck radiograph will demonstrate widening of prevertebral soft tissue, air in the soft tissue, foreign body and loss of cervical lordosis due to muscle spasm (Ameh 1999, Goldenberg et al. 1997). At the second cervical vertebral body level, soft tissue in excess of 7 mm in thickness is considered abnormal. At the sixth cervical vertebra, tissue thicker than 22 mm in adults or 14 mm in children is also considered to be abnormal. Sometimes, the widening of the prevertebral soft tissue may also be due to retropharyngeal cellulitis. Further evaluations with CECT scan are useful in differentiating an abscess from cellulitis (Goldenberg et al. 1997). It will show the extent of the abscess and its relation to important structures in the neck. Another non-invasive, inexpensive and reliable method is ultrasonography. It is capable in differentiating cellulitis from an abscess (Chao et al. 1999). All of our patients underwent imaging studies. Simple lateral neck radiograph and CECT neck were found to be useful investigative tools in the diagnosis of RPA in our patients. If CT suggests presence of frank pus, we proceeded for surgical incision and drainage (I&D) and if CT suggested a cellulitis we administered intravenous antibiotics therapy.
Most of the time, intubation is possible in patients with RPA. Intubation must be performed with great care to prevent rupture of the abscess and it is essential to have the head in a dependent position to prevent aspiration. However, in cases of difficult intubation due to the large swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall which obstructs the view of the laryngeal inlet, tracheostomy is indicated. In our series, two patients underwent emergency tracheostomy under local anesthesia due to upper airway obstruction at the time of presentation. A tracheostomy was performed to secure the airway in patients with large abscess.
Transoral incision and drainage together with intravenous antibiotics are the preferred treatments for retropharyngeal abscess (Ameh 1999, Craig & Schunk. 2003). It is performed under general anaesthesia since aspiration under local anaesthesia will worsen respiratory obstruction (Ameh 1999). We used two criteria proposed by Kirse & Roberson (2001) for safe transoral drainage. First, the abscess should be medial to the great vessels. Second, the abscess should be confined: there should not be free pus in the fascial spaces of the neck. If the lateral space is involved, cervical approach is required. For transoral drainage, the patient is positioned as for adenoidectomy. In our series, three of the patients underwent cervical incision due to the large RPA which extended to the parapharyngeal space. All of our patients underwent adequate incision and drainage with IV antibiotics coverage. Except one mortality, all of them fully recovered.
In conclusion, retropharyngeal abscess is a serious deep neck space infection with lethal complications. The diagnosis needs to be excluded in patients presenting with vague symptoms of sore throat and odynophagia without fever. Partially treated retropharyngeal abscess will mask the symptoms. Thus, thorough assessment of the patient is mandatory. A correct diagnosis should be achieved so that adequate treatment can be given to prevent mortality.