Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is one of the common malignancies of the pediatric age group. It results from clonal proliferation of lymphoid precursors with arrested maturation. The disease can originate from lymphoid cells of B- or T- lineage, although mixed lineage leukae- mias do rarely occur. Its classification is based on morphological and cytochemi- cal characteristics established by the French-American-British (FAB) group (Bennett et al. 1981). Today, the diagno-sis of ALL is further facilitated by flow cytometry. Flow cytometric analysis al- lows for sub-classification of ALL by uti- lizing flourochrome-labelled monoclonal antibodies. About 60% of ALL patients have early pre-B immunophenotype. The blast cells usually express CD 19, cytoplasmic CD 22, CD 79α, CD 10, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and 75% express CD 34. T-cell ALL accounts for 12-15% of ALL cases. The blast cells express surface CD 7, cytoplasmic CD 3, CD 2, CD 5 and TdT. The blast cells may also express aberrant antigens which do not belong to the main lineage. Immunological characterization of acute leukaemia is therefore essential in defining cell lineage to aid treatment options and determination of prognosis. The lineage of the leukaemic blast usually remains similar throughout the disease course, although the pattern of antigen expressions may change slightly. However, a switch of lineage of blast cells does rarely occur. Pui et al. described cases which showed switch from lymphoid to myeloid phenotype or the reverse (Pui et al. 1986). From literature review, phenotypic lineage switch rarely occurs from T-ALL to B-ALL or vice versa and to the best of our knowledge, only one case has described this phenomenon (Besalduch et al. 1990). Our case illustrates an unusual phenotypic switch in leukaemic cells from a patient who first presented with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia who had gone into remission and relapsed seven months later with common pre-B ALL.
A 10-year-old boy presented with two weeks history of low grade fever, lethargy and poor appetite. The patient was the youngest of four siblings. His father, a 36-year-old man worked as a printing officer at a private company and his mother, a 36-year-old woman, was a housewife.
At presentation, the patient was pale and in respiratory distress. His blood pressure was 105/40 mmHg, pulse rate of 168 bpm and oxygen saturation was 100% under nasal prong oxygen. Physi- cal examination revealed pleural effusion over the right lung and cardiomegaly. There were hepatosplenomegaly mea- suring 5 cm and 4 cm below the subcos- tal margins respectively.
Laboratory investigation results showed haemoglobin (Hb) 4.9 g/dL, total white blood cells (WBC) 41.5x109/l, platelets 37x109/l, neutrophils 0.8x109/l, lym- phocytes 38.6x109/l. The peripheral blood smear showed presence of numer- ous blast cells. The blast cells exhibited high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio with in- conspicuous nucleoli (Figure 1).
His chest radiograph showed cardi- omegaly with mediastinal widening. The bone marrow aspirate showed presence of more than 90% blast cells which were homogenous in size, showing high nuc- lear to cytoplasmic ratio with basophilic cytoplasm and inconspicuous nucleoli. Other cell lines were depressed. The blast cells were negative for peroxidase and periodic acid Schiff stains. These findings were consistent with acute lym- phoblastic leukaemia, FAB-L1. The tre- phine biopsy showed similar findings. Flow cytometric analysis of the peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirate showed that the population was positive for T-cell markers; CD 2, intracellular CD 3, CD 4, CD 5, CD 7, CD 8, HLA-DR but negative for CD 19, CD 79a, CD 56, CD 117, intra MPO, CD 13 and CD 33 (Figure 2). Marrow cytogenetic study revealed a 46 XY normal karyotype with negative BCR-ABL translocation.
The patient achieved remission with UK ALL 97 protocol regime B induction che- motherapy. However, at week 20, his bone marrow aspirate revealed presence of excess blast cells of 10%. Flow cyto- metry analysis was inconclusive due to sample inadequacy. He subsequently received Doxorubicin, Vincristine, Dex- amethasone and Asparaginase as per delayed intensification 1 chemotherapy protocol which was complicated by bron- chopneumonia secondary to febrile neu- tropaenia. The repeat bone marrow ex- amination at week 25 showed persis- tence of excess of blast cells (7%). The bone marrow examination was repeated at week 29 and showed presence of more than 26% blast cells which com- prised of two populations of blast cells (Figure 3). One population was larger with abundant basophilic cytoplasm (morphologically L2 blast cells) while the other population was smaller, more ho- mogenous with very scanty cytoplasm (L1 blast cells). The two populations of blast cells showed variable antigen ex- pressions. Both populations of blast cells expressed CD 19, anti-HLA-DR, CD 10 and cytoplasmic CD 22. One population of blast cells was CD 34 positive with negative CD 20 while the other popula-tion was CD 34 negative with positive cytoplasmic CD 20. The blast cells were negative for intra CD 3, CD 7, CD 117, intra-MPO, CD 13 and CD 33 (Figure 4). A diagnosis of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with CD 10 positivity (CALLA) was then made and the patient was started on the German Relapse Protocol (GRP). Repeat bone marrow examination after four months of relapse showed excess of blast cells (10%). The blast cells were mostly large in size with relatively abundant cytop- lasm. A second course of chemotherapy was given for eight days.
Review of bone marrow examination after completing two courses of chemo- therapy showed persistence of blast cells (10% blast cells). In view of this condi- tion, bone marrow transplant was no longer a therapeutic option. The man- agement was then changed to palliative care which included low-dose chemothe- rapy and prophylactic treatment for infec- tions.
Leukaemic stem cells have heterogenous differentiation potential. It has been well described in various articles that many different patterns of inappropriate ex- pression of lineage markers were ob- served in acute leukaemias. The spec- trum of mixed acute leukaemias includes biphenotypic leukaemia with markers of more than one lineage of antigen expres- sions present on the same blast cells, bilineal leukaemia with two distinct pop- ulations, and biclonal leukaemia with two distinct leukaemic cells of independent origins (Hoffbrand et al. 1988). These terms have recently however been re- vised in the WHO classification 2008. The term mixed phenotypic acute leu- kaemia (MPAL) is now applied to both biphenotypic and bilineal leukaemia in general, with more specific terms B/myeloid (B/MY) and T/myeloid (T/MY) leukaemia which refer to leukaemias containing the lineages specified, irres- pective of whether one or more than one population of blast cells is seen (Borowitz et al. 2008). There are cases of MPAL based on one criterion at diagnosis (e.g biphenotypic leukaemia) which change over time at relapse to the other (bilineal leukaemia), or vice versa. Furthermore, following therapy, persistent disease or relapse may occur as either pure ALL or AML. In some cases, this phenomenon has been termed ‘lineage switch’.
The phenotypes of blast cells from pa- tients with ALL upon relapse most often adhere to the original lineage (Greaves et al. 1980). However, blast cells which un- dergo a ‘lineage switch’ during the course of disease especially during relapse had been estimated in some series to be as high as 8% (Stass et al. 1986). In this case, a phenotypic lineage switch is seen where the blast cells initially expressed T-cell markers (cytoCD3+, CD2+, CD4+, CD8+, CD5+, CD7+) at diagnosis. How- ever at relapse, the blast cells were posi- tive for B-cell markers (CD19+, in- traCD22 and CD20) and also showed positivity towards CD10, CD34, HLA-DR but negative for cytoplasmic CD3, CD7, CD117 and anti-MPO.
The mechanism of lineage switch re- mains unclear. Most cases demonstrated consistent chromosomal findings at the time of diagnosis and switch and were therefore thought to be clonal in origin (Stass et al. 1984, Mantadakis et al. 2007). It was hypothesized that chemo- therapy might have induced suppression of a clone apparent at diagnosis, allowing the expansion of another clone with dif- ferent markers, which was resistant to treatment (Stass et al. 1984). Alterna- tively, the therapy might have a leuke- mogenic effect on a normal hemopoietic cell and the lineage switch might then represent the induction of a new malig- nancy rather than transformation of the initial leukaemic cells. In support of this view, there were cases described with a complete variation of cytogenetic mark- ers at diagnosis and relapse (Park et al. 2011) and after allogenic bone marrow transplantation (Brito-Babapulle et al. 1989). However, therapy-induced acute leukaemia had a long latency period of about 69 months as described in a large multicentre GIMEMA trial reported by Pagano et al. in 1998.
As in this case, there was a rapid li- neage switch with an interval of just seven months from first presentation to relapse. As the time frame was too short, it was very unlikely for secondary malig- nancy to have set in. Thus, the most likely pathogenesis for the lineage switch in this case was chemotherapy-induced suppression of the apparent leukaemic clone at diagnosis, while allowing the ex- pansion of another clone with different markers which was resistant to treat- ment. A similar conclusion was also reached by Shivarov et al. who reported a very early onset lineage switch from B- ALL to AML in an adult patient within a period of only 3 months after the initial diagnosis (Shivarov et al. 2009).
A variety of genetic anomalies has been reported in cases of ambiguous lineage leukaemias especially mixed phenotype acute leukaemia. The t(9;22)(q34;q11) BCR-ABL1 translocation and translocations associated with the MLL gene are the two most common ge- netic anomalies associated with MPAL.
In the case of lineage switch, the data are scanty, but two cases have been re- ported to involve t (9;22)(q34;q11) BCR- ABL1 translocation in two cases of Ph+ ALL to Ph+AML (Pane et al. 1996, Rear- don et al. 1994).
In a study of immunophenotypic and cytogenetic changes at relapse by Hur et al. in 2001, of 99 patients, 51 patients (51.5%) had immunophenotypic changes at relapse with expression of aberrant markers to be more frequent at relapse than at initial diagnosis especially in B lineage ALL (41.1% versus 10.3%). Cy- togenetic changes at relapse were ob- served in 28 of 46 patients (60.8%). The initial abnormal karyotypes were more frequently associated with clonal changes at relapse compared to initially normal karyotypes (78% versus 43%) (Hur et al. 2001).
Loss of CD10 and other antigens at re- lapse has been reported in about 15% of ALL patients, however a complete change of phenotype from T-cell ALL to B-cell ALL is rare. From literature search, only one case in 1990 had the same phenomenon. Besalduch et al. in 1990 described a case of a 17-year old boy who first presented with massive hepa- tosplenomegaly and a mediastinal mass and was diagnosed to have T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. He was given standard chemotherapy and achieved remission. However, he relapsed 4 years later as precursor B-ALL.
In a study by Stass et al. in a series of 264 newly diagnosed acute leukaemia, of the 239 patients who attained com- plete remission, 89 relapsed with six cases (6.7%) demonstrating lineage switch from acute lymphoblastic leukae- mia to acute myeloid leukaemia or vice versa. Of the six cases, four had T-cell associated characteristics either at diag- nosis (three cases) or at lineage conver- sion (one case) suggesting that T lymphoblasts may have the potential for myeloid differentiation or that there may be a multipotential progenitor cell capa- ble of both T lymphoblast and myeloblas- tic differentiation. Of 30 patients with T- ALL at diagnosis, 10 of the 89 patients who relapsed had T-cell ALL. Thus, 30% of T-ALL patients who relapsed demon- strated lineage switch. The issue is hig- hlighted here to show the heterogeneity of T-lymphoblast differentiation which, in this case evolved to B-lymphoblast at lineage conversion. This study also indi- cated that lineage switch in acute leu- kaemia was more common than might have been expected, possibly because of the wider use of intensive chemotherapy. More studies are needed to identify the target cells in leukaemogenesis to eva- luate their spontaneous or drug induced capacity for lineage deviation and diffe- rentiation, and to elucidate the relation- ship between the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of leukaemic cell lineages. Prompt recognition of lineage switch may be helpful in selecting an effective therapeutic regimen. Ultimately, therapy appropriate for the leukaemic phenotype at the time of lineage switch may be ad- visable.
Conversion of T-cell lineage ALL to B-cell lineage ALL is a rare occurrence. This case illustrated a phenotypic lineage switch from a characteristic T-ALL to common precursor B-ALL. In our case, lineage conversion occurred seven months after the initial diagnosis which was postulated to be likely due to chemotherapy which eradicated the dominant clone apparent at diagnosis, permitting expansion of a secondary clone with a different phenotype. Rapid recognition of this condition is needed to tailor treatment decision and strategy for disease monitoring.