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Stroke Presented as Gerstmann Syndrome
Figure 1: Non-contrast CT brain showing a hypodensity on the A:left mid-parietal region (white arrow), B & C: hypodensity of the left angular gyrus, D: loss of sulci and gyri indicates cerebral edema, which is consistent with left middle cerebral artery territory infarct.
Ruptured Chronic Ectopic Pregnancy
Figure 1: Free fluid noted in the pelvis, perihepatic region, perisplenic region and along the para-colic gutter.
Locked-in Syndrome
Huntsman Spider Bite Envenoming
Figure 1: Acute presentation of the bitten area by a Thelcticopis sp. spider (A) The bite mark and swelling of the right middle finger; (B & C) The bite mark with surrounding hyperemia and swelling of the hand prior to the administration of medication in the emergency department.
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Ultrasound as a Triage Tool to Rule out Fractures
Figure 1: Ultrasoud image of fracture