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Herbs & Preventing Periodontitis
Effects of Honey on Brain
Two Approaches of Simulated Central Vein Cannulation
Figure 1: Correlation between total phenolic content and FRAP of Malaysian kelulut honey. Determination was done in triplicates and the mean value was used to calculate the FE and RE values.
Gelam Honey and Its Therapeutic Properties
Figure 1: a) whole plant of Gelam tree b) Gelam ‘papery’ and flaky bark c) leaves of Gelam tree d) brown capsules of Gelam fruits (Burkill 1993)
Honey: Food or Medicine?
Photoprotective Measures of Sunscreens
Figure 1: Example of Absorbance Profiles for Various Combinations of Test sample
Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Effects of C. Asiatica
Figure 1: The DPPH scavenging activity of CA extracts. Ascorbic acid and BHT were used as positive controls. Results were expressed as means ±SD (n=6).